Sunday, November 27, 2011


Poor Dallas. I became intent on dressing her up, and she indulged me, unentertained though she was. The block's first trick-or-treator was an adult pillsbury dough boy. Inexperienced in the concept of Halloween, Dallas was most certainly not willing to accept him on her block. And this became one of the few times she absolutely found her voice. "Sound the alarms! Sound the alarms- I'm not sure what this guy is, but he is MOST unusual!"

After the dough boy, neighbor Liz sat with Chris, Dallas, and myself on the front driveway and effectively handed out 900 pieces of candy in two hours. Dallas and I were the only two of the foursome dressed up.

A 'Wicked Halloween': Elphaba & Galinda

"I wanna be popular"

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dallas' First Birthday

We adopted Dallas, so we really don't know when her birthday is. But, we adopted her at 3-4 months old, we can pretty much guess she was born sometime last October. So, one cool autumn evening, we invited our friends (and their dog) to the house (actually, the back yard), bought her a little dog-biscuit cake and roasted s'mores to celebrate. OK, maybe that was more for us then her, but I didn't hear any complaints concerning the black lab friend or dog-biscuit treats.

 Dallas prepares for her cake...

She's literally drooling.

"Team DU" Noelle & Maree helping us celebrate.

 The dogs stayed pretty close to 4 year old Maree, during the marshmallow roasting.

 Black labs, united.

After treats, getting birthday snuggles.

Sunday, November 6, 2011